USMC - Usagi's Sailor Moon Connection!

Last updated Monday 13, September.
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Welcome to Usagi's Sailor Moon Connection! As you can see, I've finally finished the new layout for my pages. USMC now uses frames, pull-down boxes and stylesheets. There are four main pages, here's what's in them:

The Moon section: my profile, link's, link me, manga, guestbook, love tester, contact me, moon shrine, moon main.

The Jupiter section: club, chat, games, episode listing, jupiter shrine, jupiter main.

The Venus section: picture gallery, button factory, main page design's, corner layout's, background's, free font's, server logo's, tutorials, venus shrine, venus main.

Pluto section: wallpapers, fan wallpapers, fan fictions, fan dub's, fan art, pluto shrine, pluto main.

Thank's for comming!!! Don't forget to sign the guestbook in the Moon section...

= Usagi =